Categories: Oral Surgeon

What to Expect From an Oral Surgeon Procedure

An oral surgeon is responsible for treating and performing surgical procedures in order to repair or resolve injuries and conditions relating to the oral cavity, jaw and head. Their expertise is needed when an individual has an injury or condition that general dentists are not equipped to handle. Often, general dentists refer the individual to an oral surgeon so an evaluation, diagnosis and treatment plan can be put into place, thus improving oral health and taking care of the problem at hand.

Oral surgery may sound daunting, but modern-day technology has allowed for the evolution of safe and reliable practices that can provide individuals with positive outcomes.

Expectations for procedures from an oral surgeon

When preparing to undergo oral surgery, it can be helpful to become familiar with what it involves.


One thing to expect from a procedure with an oral surgeon is that the entire process can be time-consuming. To start, an evaluation is done to determine the problem at hand. Then, the surgery will be scheduled for a later date. In some scenarios, multiple procedures are required. The recovery process can also require a time commitment, which is good to be aware of beforehand. 


Once the oral surgeon schedules the procedure, the individual can appropriately prepare. Often, no food or drinks can be consumed 12 hours beforehand. It is also good to be aware that almost all oral surgery procedures involve the use of anesthesia, which can leave the patient feeling disoriented afterward. Because of this, it is important to prepare beforehand by making the necessary arrangements, such as taking time off work or asking a friend or family member to be present for assistance. It can also be good to have soft foods or liquids at home for after the procedure, as the mouth is usually tender and sensitive.


The recovery process after an oral surgery procedure is important to take note of. Most oral surgeons require the individual to take a couple of days off of work or school to allow for rest. Pain medications are usually needed to help remedy the discomfort. Recovery times vary depending on the procedure, but in extreme circumstances, it can take a couple of weeks. Outlined below are a couple of examples of recovery times based on procedures performed by an oral surgeon.

  • Dental implant placement takes up to a week to heal, but recovery does involve a few months due to osseointegration
  • Wisdom tooth extraction may take five to seven days in order for the patient to get back to normal activity levels
  • Gum or bone grafting can require up to a week or two of healing

With recovery, there is often discomfort, soreness or pain, all of which are completely normal and temporary. It is good to be aware of this potential beforehand, however, so there are no surprises later on. The oral surgeon can discuss pain management tools to make recovering easier. 

Find out more from an oral surgeon

When looking for more information on oral surgery and what it involves, it is best to consult with an oral surgeon directly. Questions and concerns can be addressed, and an evaluation can be done in order to determine certain details that may be helpful when preparing. Reach out today to learn more or to get started with a consultation appointment. 

Request an appointment here: or call Platte Valley Oral Surgery at (303) 997-0220 for an appointment in our Denver office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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Platte Valley Oral Surgery

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